General Collective Lifestyle & Design Market | Sunday 25 May & Sunday 16 November 2025 | Auckland Showgrounds, Auckland

The best things to do on the weekend!

You can always count on Urban List NZ to shout out the best things to do on the weekend!
"Plant-lovers get ready to swoon, phenomenal market makers General Collective are putting on a Botanical Market at Glasshouse Morningside this Sunday.
You’ll find blooms a-plenty, exquisitely tiny terrariums, fresh and dried flowers and hanging kokedama. Alongside these botanical beauties will be a curated selection of plant-themed artwork, homewares, jewellery, fashion, food and more so even if you’re a bit of an accidental plant serial killer you can still get amongst."
- Alice Rich, Urban List NZ
Read the full article here
Sunday 10 April 2022, 10am - 2pm
Glasshouse, 18 McDonald Street, Morningside, Auckland
Botanical Market
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